Welcome to my first blog! How appropriate for this to be at the time that I can wish my listeners and friends Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah. I’d like to talk to you about GRATITUDE.
gratitude |ˈgratəˌt(y)o͞od| noun
“the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”
I am grateful for so many things in my world but most of all … I am grateful to you for giving me this gift in my life. I get to do what I LOVE to do. I get to do an honest days work, interview interesting and wise people and share my opinions from a working man’s perspective.
I am grateful to my brother, Tom, who gave me a gift though I didn’t see this as a gift when he died in Iraq. I am humbled by how I got into this business but that that story is for another blog.
I am grateful for my friends and a great family. We were blessed in September with my first grandchild Thomas. (Named after my brother.)
We are so blessed to be Americans and yet we spend far too much time complaining. I may have some legitimate complaints, but during this time of year when I reflect on my life all I feel is gratitude.
God Bless us everyone
Always good to here from you. Your a great American.
ReplyDeleteYou're awesome! #makabadthingbetter
ReplyDeleteLooking for the links to dem wall support?!
ReplyDeleteIf you’re going to be anywhere near the Fountain Park Amphitheater in Fountain Hills at 8:00 am on Saturday, September 7th, we’d love to have you stop by our Freedom Rally. It’s sponsored by the Arizona contingent of the Convention of States Project, and our State Director will be there to give an update on the progress of our efforts here in Arizona.
I know you’re a big Tea Party fan, so you know who Mark Meckler is, but you may not know that he also founded the Convention of States Project back in 2014. Since then, with the help of guys like Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and Ben Shapiro, we’ve attracted nearly 4 million supporters nationwide, and we helped Arizona become the 9th state legislature to pass the COS Resolution (March 13, 2017) petitioning Congress to call for a Convention of States. That number rose to 15 this year, nearly halfway to the 34 needed to meet the constitutional threshold, at which point Congress must comply with Article V and call the Convention.
This is NOT a backdoor request for you to give a speech, Mike. Seriously. I’ve been a fan of yours since you picked up where Barry Young left off, and your bona fides are not in any doubt whatsoever… I’d just like you to know a little more about who we are, what we do, and what we believe is the only hope that we, the people in the states, have of reigning in the behemoth in Washington, DC.
You don’t have to speak, Mike… we won’t ask you to say a word. We’d just like you to listen.
MJ Alexander
Social Media Warrior Team
Convention of States Project – Arizona